Who are we?

What you do not want done to yourself do not do to others.

Therefore, we do not deliver something to you, that we would not use ourselves.
Effata means Open Up and we mean it.
We would like to open up for:

  • Different solutions than the ones that tech-giants are forcing down your throat.
  • People who are missing a place to intern or a new road in life.
  • New places to work from.
  • Different values than pointed elbows and bigger market shares.


  • Kjetil

    Experienced optimist, who is very spontaneous, when he gets a chance to think.

  • Martin

    Controls an entire public school with a firm grip and is pretty strong when it comes to network

  • Claus

    Claus solves complex tasks, that Kjetil cannot figure out

  • Elizabeth

    Our best female IT-worker

  • Otto

    Our always present and caring well-being consultant

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